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Ingredients: ½ medium cauliflower, cut into florets (or 3 cups florets) ½ tsp. olive oil ¼ cup barbecue sauce, reduced-sugar 3 cups c...

Saturday, March 5, 2016


Can you believe that 2 glasses of wine before bed can help you lose weight?! Yup, that's right! I was so shocked to come across an article about this today on my FB newsfeed. When I first read the title I thought it was a joke. Another marketing ploy by the wine industry to sale more wine. However, looking more into it...I found the articles from the recent study. For all my wine loving friends that prefer Cabernet over cardio this is going to be good news. Who would have ever thought drinking two glasses of wine before bed could actually be the magic pill that helps you lose weight. In two recent studies from Washington State University and Harvard Medical School they explain why wine before be can help you lose weight.  
Here’s why:  
Apparently, there’s a polyphenol called resveratrol in red wine that transforms “white fat” into “beige fat” (aka a version that’s much easier to burn off), says researchers at WSU. Even crazier, the Harvard study, which looked at 20,000 women over the course of 13 years, determined that those who drank two glasses of wine daily were 70 percent less likely to be overweight!!! WOW!!!  
OK, so you want to know what’s the significance of night wine? Looking into this further, I found another study done by Arizona State University  with the conclusion that resveratrol also helps suppress your appetite. Resveratrol is commonly found in red wines. This means that after a glass or two of your favorite red wine, you’re less likely to raid the fridge for a late-night snack. Added bonus, you will probably enjoy a good night sleep as well. 

Not inclined to keep a bottle of Merlot on your nightstand? Other major sources of resveratrol include blueberries, strawberries and (obviously) grapes. 

For those of you that still want to drink your way slim...please remember everything in moderation. Even if you got slim this way does not mean it will look sexy. Sexy comes from sculpting your muscles. Yesssssssssss you still need to workout! However, I do have a workout plan suggestion that will allow you to sculpt your muscles and have a glass of wine. If this sounds like something you would be interested in...check out the 21 day fix. 

This 21 day program has daily workouts that are only 30mins long and shows you how you can still have your wine or chocolate while losing weight and getting sexy. 

Click this link to find out more: 21 DAYS TO A NEW YOU!


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